FoSS can provide you with billboard/promotional campaigns, report research/writing or a speaker for your next event.
Michelle Stirling, Communications Manager.
Michelle offers plain language presentations on climate and energy policies, summarizing and referencing the work of various scientists and policy insights from Robert Lyman’s reports. She has also addressed the influence of environmental groups on Alberta’s energy sector (aka Tar Sands Campaign).
Ken Gregory, B.AppSc., P.Eng.
Ken produces the bimonthly “Cli-Sci” reports and is a peer-reviewed author on the climate sensitivity (warming effect) of carbon dioxide.
Ken can provide a scientific presentation, reviewing the problems with the climate models used by the IPCC to project future warming. He has done detailed analyses of the NDP’s Alberta Climate Plan, carbon tax, and the costs of wind and solar.
Ron Davison, P. Eng.
Ron was part of the team that implemented the first Carbon Capture and Storage project that we know of and is a peer-reviewed author of a paper on that topic. Consequently, he has practical experience and first hand knowledge regarding some of the proposed mitigation measures. Ron reviews climate data in detail and helps general audiences understand some of the deceptive presentations, exposing the holes in the IPCC position. Ron is a CLINTEL signatory.