A Friends of Science Special Event
"Extreme Climate Uncertainty"
May 15th, 2018, 6 - 9 pm
Featuring Film Director Marijn Poels and Climate Scientist Dr. Madhav Khandekar.
Policy: Award-winning Dutch filmmaker Marijn Poels: "The Uncertainty Has Settled"
A young, left-wing filmmaker returns to Europe from working in the developing world, only to find farmers are growing wind farms, not potatoes, and no one wants to answer his questions on climate science or policy. He discusses his odyssey. His film is winner of Best Documentary: LA, Berlin, Paris.
See Marijn Poels' presentation:
Science: Canadian climate scientist - Dr. Madhav Khandekar:"Climate Change & Extreme Weather"
An experienced climate scientist challenges claims of extreme weather and explores the West 's obsession with ineffective and expensive climate mitigation plans, while billions of people suffer for want of basic sanitation, pumped water and reliable electricity.
A PDF file of Dr. Khandekar's slide presentation is HERE.
See Dr. Khandekar's presentation:
See our Event Notice HERE.
See our press release about the event HERE
Associated with the May 15th event, Friends of Science also hosted two screenings of the film "The Uncertainty Has Settled" by filmmaker Marjin Poels. One screening was at the Globe Cinema in Calgary, Alberta, on May 14th, and one screening was at the Garneau Theatre, curtesy of the Metro Cinema, in Edmonton, Alberta, on May18th, 2018. See the trailer, other information about the film and rent it HERE.
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