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Friends of Science Society is a non-profit organization created to educate the public and policy makers on climate science, policy and economics.
Our operational funds are from Memberships and Donations.

Your support allows us to disseminate relevant, balanced and objective scientific and economic information on Climate Change, and to support real environmental solutions. We do not represent any industry sector.

Memberships expire on December 31. A one-year membership expires on December 31 of the current year if payment is made January 1 – June 30, and expires on December 31 of the following year if payment is made July 1 – December 31. A three-year membership expires two years later.

You can pay ONLINE by credit card via Stripe or PayPal.
To pay by cheque or by credit card by phone please follow the instructions in PURCHASE OFFLINE.

You may also pay ONLINE outside our site from your online banking with Interac e-Transfer by sending your funds to [email protected]
Please fill out the form after selecting the INTERAC e-TRANSFER button so we can link your payment appropriately.
Finally click the REGISTER PAYMENT TRANSFER button below.

Friends of Science Society requires the following information to process memberships and to ensure that our membership list is current.

To pay by cheque please download the Membership/Donation form
Or to pay by credit card please phone 1-888-789-9597 Ext 2

©2002-2024 Friends of Science Society