Friends Of Science Fourteenth Annual Event, With Robert Lyman & Steve Goreham

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 A Friends of Science Special Event


 May 9th, 2017,   6 - 9 pm


Featuring Energy Economics Robert Lyman & Climate Science Author Steve Goreham

 Thank you to all who attended the very successful evening.  

Event Sponsors

The event began at 6 pm with a buffet dinner.


Robert Lyman spoke on "Can Canada Survive Climate Change Policy?".   His written speech is here (new window).

Can Canada Survive Climate Change Policy? Time to Talk and Stop Climate Bullying, see here.

Steve Goreham spoke on "Climate Science and the Myths of Renewable Energy".   A pdf file of his slide presentation is here. The presentation includes 6 videos clips that may not play in some browsers. Open the file in Adobe Reader or Internet Exployer.

See Robert Lyman's speech here:

See Steve Goreham's presentation here:


Climate Dogma Exposed May 9, 2017 at Red & White Club

A full house at the Red & White Club, McMahon Stadium.

Climate Dodma Exposed May 9, 2017

Robert Lyman

Robert Lyman is an Ottawa energy economist and policy consultant. He was a public servant for 27 years and diplomat for 10 years. He is the author of numerous reports, several of which are published on the Friends of Science website. He published several articles on the Friends of Science blog here. See his reports "Why Renewable Energy Cannot Replace Fossil Fuels by 2050" here, "Green Jobs Rhetoric or Reality" here, "You Can 't Get There from Here" here and "Climate Change Targets for Canada Examining the Implications" here.

Robert Lyman earned a BA (Hons) in International Relations at the University of Windsor. He is a Principal at ENTRANS Policy Research Group, Inc., which does research in energy, environment and transportation policy.

He previously was Director General, Environmental Affairs of Transport Canada,
Senior Director, Oil Division of Natural Resources Canada,
Senior Economist, Task Force on Atlantic Groundfish Crisis, of the Privy Council Office,
Senior Director, Energy Policy of Natural Resources Canada, and other positions.

Steve Goreham

Steve Goreham is a speaker, an author, a researcher on environmental issues, and an independent columnist.   He 's the Executive Director of the Climate Science Coalition of America, a non-political association of scientists, engineers, and citizens dedicated to informing about the realities of climate science and energy economics.  Goreham is the author of three books, including his latest: Outside the Green Box Rethinking Sustainable Development.   More than 100,000 copies of his books are now in print.

Goreham holds a B.S. and M.S. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Illinois and an M.B.A. from the University of Chicago. He has more than 30 years of experience in Fortune 100 and private companies in engineering and executive roles. His website is here.

"Today 's society lives in the grip of a madness the belief that humans are causing dangerous climate change.   Melting ice caps, rising oceans, stronger storms, droughts and floods, and species extinction are blamed on greenhouse gas emissions from our industry.   But contrary to what your political leader, professor, and newspaper tell you, global warming is dominated by natural factors.   As a result, thousands of climate and energy laws across hundreds of nations, all summed together, are not going to have a measureable effect on Earth 's temperatures."

The Event Announcement is HERE.

Our event promotional video;


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