Polar Region Sea Ice

Here is a set of real time graphs from satellite data showing the polar regions sea ice extents and volume.

Plots open in a new tab.

From The National Snow and Ice Data Center (US):

Click here for the Arctic sea ice extent August - December
Click here for the Antarctic sea ice area August - December
Click here for an interactive Arctic and Antarctic sea ice extent January - December

From Climate4You:

Click here for the Arctic sea ice extent from 2002-06 via Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)
Click here for the Arctic sea ice extent from 2000-01 via National Snow and Ice Data Center (US)
Click here for the Antarctic sea ice extent from 2000-01
Click here for the Global sea ice extent from 2000-01
Click here for the Global, Arctic and Antarctic sea ice extent from 1979 (incorrecly labeled area)

From IUP, University of Bremen:

Click here for sea ice maps

From Arctic Archive Data System (ADS), Japan

Click here for a real time graph showing the Arctic, Antarctic and Global sea ice extent.
Click here for Arctic Seasonal all years from 1978
Click here for Antarctic Seasonal all years from 1978

From  Danish Meteorological Institute, Ocean and Ice Services

Click here for the Arctic sea ice extent
Click here for the Arctic sea ice volume

Polar Temperatures from Satellite Data

Click here for the Northern Polar Temperatures from UAH satellite data.
Click here for the Southern Polar Temperatures from UAH satellite data.


Monthly and Annual Global Sea Ice Extent

Global sea ice extent

Monthly and Annual Arctic Sea Ice Extent

Arctic Sea Ice Extent

Monthly and Annual Antarctic Sea Ice Extent

Antarctic Sea Ice Extent

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